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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Jakubowski

My Pregnancy Fitness Journey - Weeks 1 - 20

I was lucky to be able to fall pregnant around 1 month after we started 'trying' (I hate that term for it! I prefer 'allowing'.) I was still exercising 6 x a week at first but I went to a consultation with an acupuncture specialist who said that training that much can be detrimental to falling pregnant, as you are causing stress on the body, releasing the stress hormones cortisol and also keeping your blood flow out of your tummy and in all your other muscle groups. She recommended training 3-4 times a week and adding in a pilates of yoga session. Well I did this and after 2 weeks I was pregnant!

The first 10 weeks was terrible. The food aversions were the most unexpected part - I couldn't bear to eat my usual diet of oats, eggs, rice and chicken and white fish. It all sickened me! All I wanted was cereal, pasta, fast food, fatty foods and sugar! So I started gaining weight quite quickly. I was also knackered and nauseous, and I caught the flu really badly for a week which sent me to the emergency room! So I was still trying to stay active, walk as much as possible and train but I didn't really care because there was so much going on, and I definitely overate. Then we had Christmas and New Year around my 14 week mark, and we were travelling so I didn't train, walk much or eat very well for 2 weeks.

However since we got back to Marbella in January, the food aversions calmed down and now I am back to eating my usual diet if oats and eggs, chicken and rice, fruits, yoghurt, red meat, potatoes and salmon. I do allow myself extra snacks like cereal and dark chocolate. I am eating more than normal but definitely not 'eating for 2.'

Now I am working full time, my training is limited due to fatigue to 3/4 x a week and rather than continue my usual 'bodybuilding' training split of upper body or lower body or body part sessions (glutes, shoulders etc) I have changed to full body sessions. So I will do 4 exercises, 1 or 2 lower body and 2 or 3 upper body. This way I am training each body part more regularly, rather than just once a week or once every two weeks and it makes me less tired.

Some example sessions would be:


Squats (barbell or kettlebell) 4 sets x 10-12 reps

Hack squat 4 sets x 12-15 reps

Lat pulldown 4 sets x 12 reps

Lateral dumbbell shoulder raise 4 sets x 15-20 reps


Leg press 4 sets x 10-15 reps

Glute abduction machine 4 sets x 20 reps

Cable face pull 4 x 10 reps

Military press barbell or dumbbells 3 x 10-12 reps

Keeping moving is the key to a fit pregnancy. Do not introduce new exercises or movements or sports or overload yourself. My weights and reps now are lower than they would usually be and that's OK because I am not aiming to make progress, my aim is to keep fit and strong, keep my muscles activated and mentally feel better. The mental aspect cannot be underrated. Fresh air, vitamin D, good nutrition and plenty of water and rest plus your pregnancy multivitamins are also super important.

Let's see how the second half of the pregnancy goes!!

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